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Legal Information / Data Protection

Responsibility for contents

W&H Dental India PVT Ltd.

No: 326, 3rd Floor, 3rd A cross, A sector,
1st Phase, Yelahanka Satellite Town,
Bangalore – 64
m: +91 988 60 25 778

General Data protection declaration

The Company committed to safeguarding of our customer privacy and ensuring that your Personal Data is protected. This Privacy Policy Statement explains the types of Personal Data we collect and how we process and protect that data.

We protect your Personal Data confidential a ensure that our policies and practices with respect to the collection, use, retention, disclosure, transfer, security and access of your Personal Data comply with the laws of India.

Personal Information Collection Statement (“PICS”)

This PICS is issued pursuant to the PDPO in relation to the operation of our business by W&H Dental India PVT Ltd. (referred to as “we” or “us”).

  1. This PICS is last updated on the Effective Date.

  2. Definitions

Under this PICS, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings:

2.1. “Database” means the database of our customers’ Personal Data.

2.2. “Effective Date” means January 2021.

2.3. “Our Customer Hotline” the hotline number(s) is available on Our Website.

2.4. “Our India e-store” the e-store that we may operate online.

2.5. “PDPO” means the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).

2.6. “Personal Data” has the meaning ascribed to it under the PDPO.

2.7. “Our India e-store”

2.8. “Registered Customer” means our customer who has registered for an account in our e-store.

2.9. “Goods or Services” means sales of goods or provision of services in relation to Clinic and Dental Lab’s consumer goods or equipment. (whether through physical or online channels):.

Use of your Personal Data

  1. You agree that the Personal Data you are provided and all information relating to the use of Our e-store may be used and retained by us for the purpose as follows:

3.1. processing your application as a Registered Customer;

3.2. providing you with our services;

3.3. the normal management, operation, and maintenance of Our e-store;

3.4. providing you with regular communications from us with details of our e-store business and relevant benefits;

3.5. providing you with Goods or Services which you have requested;

3.6. processing your order for purchases on our e-store, including verifying your payment details/status;

3.7. carrying out prize draws, games or competitions which you have entered;

3.8. carrying out data sorting and analysis to enable us to better understand your characteristics and buying behaviour and to provide other services better tailored to your needs, and to assist us in selecting Goods or Services that are likely to be of interest to you;

3.9. designing new or improving existing services provided by us to you;

3.10. investigation of complaints, suspected suspicious transactions, and research for service improvement;

3.11. prevention or detection of crime;

3.12. disclosure as required by law; and

3.13. aggregated behavioural analysis.

  1. With your consent or indication of no objection, we will use your Personal Data for direct marketing to you (whether by post, email, phone, SMS, or other media whether now known or available in the future) in relation to offers and promotions from:

4.1. us;

4.2. other companies in relation to telecommunications goods and/or services, e-commerce services (including trading platforms and online auctions), payment services, financial, investment and insurance products and services, hotel and tourism services and real property and related services;

4.3. third party merchants that we cooperate with to provide benefits to you in relation to the following types of products or services:

a) Goods or Services;

b) financial, investment, insurance, banking and credit cards;

c) transportation, travel and accommodation;

d) sports, leisure, recreation and entertainment;

e) telecommunications products and services;

f) e-commerce (including trading and payment platforms and online auctions).

  1. We may disclose and transfer (whether in India or abroad) your Personal Data to our agents or contractors under a duty of confidentiality to us who provide administrative, data processing, research and marketing, distribution, telecommunications, professional or other similar services to us.

  2. We may also disclose and transfer (whether in India or abroad) to any of our actual or proposed assignees or transferees of our rights with respect to your Personal Data in connection with a re-structuring of our retail business, and/or merger (as between us and a third party), sale, or transfer (whether of assets or shares, in whole or in part), to use, hold, process or retain such Personal Data for the purposes mentioned in clauses 5 and 6 above.

Browsing information collected from you (Cookies)

  1. We use cookies and similar technologies to collect data about you when you visit the Our e-store and our other related websites (“Sites”). Cookies are files that store information on your computer hard drive or browser that mean that we can recognise your visit to our e-store before. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our e-store, by evaluating the use of our e-store and reviewing your browsing and shopping habits, personalizing your website experience, evaluating website activity on our e-store and generally making our e-store easier to use.

  2. The types of data we may collect from you when you visit the e-store include:

  • information about the type of browser you use;

  • details of the web pages you have viewed;

  • your IP address;

  • the hyperlinks you have clicked; and

  • the websites you visited before arriving at our e-store.

  1. You may refuse to accept Cookies (by modifying the relevant Internet options or browsing preferences of your computer system), but to do so you may not be able to utilize or activate all of the functions and services of our Sites.

Your rights in relation to your Personal Data

  1. You have the right to:

10.1. check whether we hold any of your Personal Data;

10.2. access your Personal Data held by us;

10.3. require us to correct any Personal Data which is inaccurate;

10.4. ascertain our policies and practices (from time to time) in relation to Personal Data and the type of Personal Data held by us;

10.5. opt out from receiving direct marketing materials from us at any time. Any request in relation to the above shall be in writing (sent by post or email) and addressed to:

W&H Dental India PVT Ltd.
No 966, 1st Floor, HIG,16th A Main, 3rd Phase, A sector, Yelahanka New Town. Bangalore – 64

Email address:

For enquiries, please contact Our Customer Hotline, which can be found on Our Website.

11. In accordance with the Ordinance, we have the right to charge you a reasonable fee for the processing of any Personal Data access request.

Protecting your Personal Data

  1. We maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the Personal Data you provide to us against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, authorized disclosure of, or access to your Personal Data.

  2. Our Website may contain hyperlinks to external or any other websites provided by third parties. We do not control these third party websites or any of the content contained on those websites. Once you have left our website, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement for the website(s) you visit.


14. Nothing in this Privacy Policy Statement shall limit your rights under the PDPO.

15. This Privacy Policy Statement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of India.

16. We may change this Privacy Policy Statement from time to time by posting an updated version on the Our e-store.

17. Severability If any term, provision or part of this Terms and Conditions is to any extent held invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of Terms and Conditions will not be impaired and will continue in full force and effect.

18. Third Party Rights. No rights are intended to be created hereunder for the benefit of any third party who are not named herein.

Last update 1 January 2021

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